America is at a Crossroad

Posted: July 19, 2013 in Owner Commentary

Todd More
Co-Owner of Preparation America


America is at a crossroad.

A point in time when the country must decide whether to embrace individualism or to follow the herd. To be an individual means that you are unique, that you stand out in a crowd, and that you have the ability to think, act, and speak for yourself. To follow the herd means that you do and say what you are told by the powers-that-be in the hopes by the powers-that-be that you start to believe in those things.

America is at a crossroad.

A place where the individual is becoming the un-cool. A place where independent thought and real creativity are frowned upon by the herd. A place where hard work, self-drive, and determination to better your life is too hard and should be abandoned. Where taking the beaten path is the norm and desire to better ourselves, our neighborhood, our community, and our country is a thing of the past.

America is at a crossroad.

A society where the belief in the power of Creation is pushed aside for the belief that “I am at the top of the food chain” and “what’s in it for me” is touted as the most important thing in life. A society that would rather allow for the decay of morality than commit to faith. A society that puts more emphasis on government handouts and free money than on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness only to deny to themself the realization of what’s involved to keep any of them.

America is at a crossroad.

For the herd, a road that does not have a U-turn. It does not have a speed limit. And it does not have stop signs. A road that allows for the largest of herds to plow full steam ahead down the most beaten-of-all paths paved by the herds from other countries. A road without twists or turns, without hills or valleys, save one: a giant and sudden cliff at the very end. And at the bottom of that cliff? A life where you are told what to say, what to wear, how to think, what to do, and how to feel. For once that road is taken, there is no return, no reverse, and no do-over. Or we can take a road that is less traveled, less straight, and less flat. But one that is paved with the best of intentions and makes a slow turn back around to common sense, morals, ethics, decency…individualism. Which road should you take?

I ask because you are now at that crossroad.

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